chat chit
We exist to show that you can have normal conversations about mental health , where we understand how people have come through their experiences and learnt how to manage their mental health. We go off on many a tangent but the purpose is to focus on the things that might help you or where you might be able to relate with someone's experiences. We hope to normalise talking about your mental health whether you are having a good day or a bad day or on a day where you might not be sure how you feel.
Chat chit and the website Yormind exist to to try help young people in York and beyond to manage their mental health and direct them towards the support and services that would be best for them. Along the way there is a lot of chatting chit about all topics.
Chat chit is produced and edited by York Mind but the views and opinions expressed in the episode or of those being interviewed and the interviewer.
Trigger warning- Mental health and certain topics are covered on the podcast may be triggering so be mindful of this when listening.
chat chit
S3 E9 - Em, Teddy bear meetings, personal vlogs and asking how the hell do you make friends in your 20s?
We start with James blunt and end with Linda McCartney Sausages but what we have as the filling for this taste sensation of an episode, is a selection box of insight and advice on managing and understanding our mental health.
In this episode we chat to Emily who is well versed to being in front of a microphone and she lets us in on her mental health journey, from understanding what anxiety even is to struggling with body dysmorphia. Along the way in this episode we understand the struggles of being an "adult" in your 20s when you are trying to find your place in the world. What we come to understand is the way that video journaling and yoga amongst other things has allowed Em to understand who she wants to be and how she manages her mental health. Enjoy!
Minutes :
1-8 Check in James Blunt and the c word
8-14 Understanding anxiety and counselling
14-19 Growing up, divorce and confusion with teddy bear meetings
19- 30 Personal vlogs, the past present and future and the 24 hour rule of thinking
31- 47 University, struggling in your 20s and how the hell do you make friends?
47-58 Disordered eating, body dysmorphia and social media comparison
5820 Check out
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For anymore information, support and services on mental health, visit Yormind which can help you to support someone else or give you a little bit more understanding of your own mental health as well.