chat chit

Season 2 Christmas Special- Jo, bereavement support and paperchase grief

December 12, 2023 Chris Season 2 Episode 21

We know that Christmas can be a particularly tough time for people who may struggle with their mental health; from masking at social events to feeling guilty when we do experience them glimmers of fun and enjoyment.

This links very closely to those who have experienced loss and why this Christmas special focuses on how to support others and yourself through the festive season(and other significant dates) when you have experienced bereavement in the family. We welcome Jo, the founder of BCSY (Bereaved Children Support York) on to the podcast to discuss both her experiences of losing her husband and her sons father as well as the charity she set up. On this episode, amongst talking about our favourite Christmas songs and traditions, we chat about how to manage expectations around Christmas and the communication and honesty that is essential when you've lost a close family member. 

Whether you are a parent trying to support your family through the festive season or a young person trying to understand the loss and bereavement you are going through, this episode of chat chit gives some gems of advice of how to best deal with significant dates and the Christmas season.


That is it for chat chit for season 2 but we will be back sometime in the spring to chat a little bit more for season 3.

Please if you like or have benefitted from the episode then give us a share, review, follow us or rate us on the platform you are listening on.

For anymore information, support and services on mental health, visit Yormind which can help you to support someone else or give you a little bit more understanding of your own mental health as well.

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